Football Development Institute


Football Development Institute effectively connects European Clubs with Specialists in a variety of roles, helping to organise traineeships.

Are you looking for a Trainee for a longer period to increase capacity? Or do you intend to find interesting personalities among the rotating Trainees? Perhaps you simply want to enable interested people to learn for a week or two at your Club?

In any such case, we can recommend Candidates from our pool or recruit persons well suited to the criteria indicated.

We cooperate on this field with Clubs from many European countries. To mention just a few, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Sweden or Poland.


Our mission is to encourage Clubs to create traineeship positions, support them in defining the characteristics of the project and then recommend high quality Candidates matching the specified profile.

FDI helps European Clubs to recruit Trainees for different departments and divisions:

  • management

  • strategy

  • administration

  • HR

  • SPORTS (many Specialist roles)

  • Academy roles

  • communication

  • Club media

  • marketing

  • internationalisation

  • finance

  • sales

  • legal

  • compliance

  • IT


Each Club can define many parameters, influencing the nature and structure of the traineeship, as well as the profile of Candidates sought.

The form is structured in such a way that the Club can determine:

  • characteristics of the traineeship

  • Trainee profile

  • type of cooperation with FDI

Recommendation method

FDI is successively building a database of Trainees with their profiles who are potential Candidates for recommendation to the Clubs. In addition, we also conduct a targeted recruitment based on the criteria indicated by the Clubs.

Goals for traineeships

Organising traineeships in Clubs can have different purposes. Each Club can implement its own internship strategy as part of the Club’s development concept.

We note the key objectives of integrating traineeships:

  • increasing the capacity of different departments | improving the intensity of work

  • raising the effectiveness of project work

  • improving the ratio of salary expenditure to work effectiveness

  • long-term recruitment process

  • talent scouting

  • internal development path for potential new Employees according to the Club’s standards

  • education for interested persons | the Club’s mission

  • motivation for current Employees

  • employer branding

  • creation of Talent Academy (in cooperation with FDI)